Advanced Placement Exam Preparation

Do you want to get a head start on your college application? Join the growing number of students Elpis Advanced Placementwho are studying for ADVANCED PLACEMENT (AP) EXAMS. Our AP courses give you essential information that you need to gain an edge on your peers both on the exams and beyond!

Through AP Exams, many students are given the opportunity to earn advanced standing or even full credit at many colleges and universities in the United States. Even if you are not thinking of applying to a school south of the border, AP courses—which are taught at the college level—will give you the opportunity to obtain knowledge and skills that are otherwise undeveloped or unexplored in high school.

Why should you participate?
  • STUDY subjects that are of great interest to you in more detail.
  • CHALLENGE yourself by performing above expectations.
  • IMPROVE problem‐solving techniques in your subject area as well as general study skills.
  • DEVELOP the necessary habits for post‐secondary education and work.
  • LEARN what others think and how to think for yourself.
  • PROVE to admission officers that you are capable of doing rigorous work and are devoted to academic excellence.

Can I take this course?

If you have a strong interest in the subject and the willingness to work harder than an average high school student, we are eager to welcome you to our class! The following courses are open during the summer:

  • AP Calculus AB/BC
  • AP Chemistry
  • AP Physics B/C
  • AP Biology
Elpis Global Education Mississauga & Oakville Learning Centre
2145 Dunwin Drive, Unit 6
Mississauga, ON, L5L 4L9